How to deal with error messages

How to deal with error messages

 What are these numbers?

The numbers listed on this page are error codes you can get if you use Dekart encryption and access control software. Sometimes, for certain reasons, the applications may fail to work correctly, or behave in an unexpected way. Don't worry, almost any problem has a solution.

Usually, contacting our technical support team will help you solve your problem, but some situations do not require our intervention. Below is a list of error codes generated by our applications. If you get an error, find its code on this page and see what it means. Each section contains the description of the error, a list of factors that cause it to happen, as well as a list of troubleshooting steps that can be performed.

If the troubleshooting steps are inefficient, contact our helpdesk, answering the questions in the list (if any), and also, take a look at this page: how to help us help you.

The goal of this page is to speed up the process of solving an issue. If the advices listed on this page do not work, our technicians will come up with different suggestions, without guiding you to try the basic measures described on this page. This will save a lot of time.

Do not hesitate to contact us if  

  • the steps described here did not help  
  • the code of your error is not in the list  
  • you have encountered problems similar to the ones described here and found out that there are other solutions

Naming conventions

PD  – the error is related to Private Disk

PDL  – the error is related to Private Disk Light

obs  – the error is obsolete (it used to occur in older versions of the software, an update should fix the problem)

PDL: 000003EE

The error means that the key-area of the virtual disk was damaged. The chances to restore the encrypted files are very small.

This error is usually a consequence of sudden power-off's of the machine. It is also possible that you used a 3rd-party application to move the image from one location to another. We had several similar cases, when 'enhanced' file copiers added or removed several bytes to the file, rendering it unusable. Viruses can alter the contents of the file too.

Do you happen to remember any changes [software or hardware] you made in your system, after which you were unable to mount the image? For how long have you been using the image before the problem occured?

PD: 0000045D [obs]

The error means that there is a problem during the input/output operations. In other words, the program cannot read something from the disk.

Do you have reasons to believe that you have bad sectors on your hard drive? Or that some other application [ex: an antivirus] is trying to open the file while Private Disk tries to read it?

 Here is what you should try:  

  • Make a copy of your image before you attempt anything.  
  • Disable the antivirus [or other applications that scan files in the background] and try to mount the image.  
  • Scan your disk for bad sectors and try to fix the errors [if any]. but ONLY after making a backup copy of the image.
  • Have you had any problems with your computer recently? For instance, system crashes, or power surges?

    Can you recall any event which, in your opinion, lead to the appearance of this error?

    PD: 000010DE

    The error means " no media inserted ".

    Do you happen to mount an image which is located on a CD or a USB flash disk? Or, perhaps on a network share?

    After you receive this message, are you still able to access the virtual drive?

    PD: 0000045A [obs]

    The problem occurs because the user that is currently logged in does not have administrative privileges.

    In order to let the program function properly, a driver has to be loaded – this is not possible if the user has restricted rights. Try to log in as Administrator.

    PD: 00000020 [obs]

    It is likely that the problem is caused by the fact that you have an old version of Private Disk.

    Please download the latest version from this location.

    PD: 0000000F

    The error means "Invalid drive", it occurs when you try to create a backup image of the drive. Please try to change the properties of the virtual disk, or switching its letter. Also try renaming the backup file. This could do the trick.

    Another question – is the image located on a removable disk, or on a network share? Perhaps the disk is disconnected or the network becomes unavailable after a certain period of time?

    It is also possible that the problem is in the subdirectory structure: the hierarchy has a depth of more than 10 folders. Try a shorter path, or a smaller folder depth. An alternative approach is the use of the SUBST command, ex:

    subst t: c:\my very deep\and long\path\with\many\subfolders\and subsubfolders\etc

    From this moment on you can refer to the long folder by accessing drive T:.


    • Private Disk Light: 128-bit encryption – free disk encryption software.  
    • Private Disk: 256-bit encryption – full-featured, user-friendly and reliable disk encryption software.  
    • Private Disk FAQ: Dekart encryptions software in questions and answers.  
    • nFAQ: non-Frequently asked questions.

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